
My intent in this essay is not to undermine anyone else's religion. Hopefully, after reading the four lessons, the reader will understand that I believe religion, whatever form it takes, plays a very important and necessary role for us.

However, it should also be obvious that the concepts of life after death, Christian salvation and a God are, for me, just concepts, albeit important ones. Although this allows Christians to brand me with the label "atheist" I am not without an understanding of their search for salvation. I simply call it the nurturing of spiritual development and recognize that its place is here and now, not in some promised, idealic after life. It is only their misunderstanding of their own religion that may give some airs of self- righteous superiority.

On the other hand, if you can stand the thought that your most cherished and deep held religious beliefs may not be as solid as you once thought, welcome to your first steps on the path to Enlightenment.

I feel somewhat sorry for people who are so bound within the literal confines of their religion that for them the world is full of enemies and evil which they are duty bound to fight. Life's not that hard.

I have tried to present, in as simple and direct way as possible, the bare skeleton of what I believe religions really are behind all the emotions and imagery. Once one understands this wire frame model of spirituality, any denomination of any religion can be wrapped around the core to provide a link to our more evolved mental capabilities.

So go find your peace and may your god go with you.